
Portfolio Storyboard Release (Legend 9.2)- Initial Information

As with most organisations, Covid-19 has impacted our plans for the year. Four days after releasing i-lign 9.1 (the Initiative and Group Storyboards), like most of you we were working from home under Level 4 Lockdown. During this period of remote working we decided to focus on releasing small improvements through a series of point releases, rather than increasing our Storyboard functionality, as we’d originally intended. We also rebranded the application from i-lign to Legend during the Lockdown.

Now back in the office, we’ve had a chance to refocus on our Storyboard improvements. We plan to release a Portfolio Storyboard in Legend 9.2. Our tentative release date for this is Sunday 13 September.

As always, please get in touch if you have any questions or comments.

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i-lign rebrand to Legend for Business

The i-lign software has undergone something of a renaissance. The original concept for the software was to align people to people and people to work. Interestingly, this is very much the theme for our world of today. But we wanted to go deeper. Some years back we started a R&D initiative, supported by Callaghan Innovation, around the management of complex organizations, what new models of management could look like and how technology could help.

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