Risk Release Announcement (i-lign 8.8)

By Rachel | July 17, 2019

We’re pleased to confirm the release of i-lign 8.8. Hosted customers will be upgraded during the evening of Sunday 21 July, pending final testing.

As you know, this release contains a number of risk improvements including the ability to add Treatment Tasks to Project Risks and the ability to export all risk information for a specific Project/Programme in CSV or PDF format .

As always, please get in touch if you have any questions or comments.


Treatment Tasks (Projects)

When you add a Treatment Task, you have access to the full Task functionality. This means that you can add an Owner, track Status and manage it in the same way you manage other project tasks. The Treatment Task will appear in all the views project Tasks appear. See the screenshots below for information on how to add a Treatment Task to a project risk. You can also convert a standard Treatment to a Treatment Task.

Ability to export all risk information for a specific Project/Programme

You can use the Advanced Table on the Registers tab to export Risks from your Project or Programme. There are filters on the Advanced Table to allow you to select which information you export.

Risk Escalations

Risk Escalation is displayed more clearly and this functionality is extend to Child Projects.

Full list of changes

See here for a full list of changes and bug fixes.