i-lign 8.2 tentative release timetable

By Rachel | August 15, 2017

This blog contains a tentative timetable for the i-lign 8.2 release. It will be followed by more specific information on release content in the next couple of weeks. In the meantime, please get in touch if you have any questions or comments.

As you’ll know from our initial blog, the focus of i-lign 8.2 is to simplify tasks and task pools for projects. This work is progressing well and benefiting from the input of Tatiana Krayushkina, our new User Experience / User Interface Designer.

Our tentative timetable for the release is below.

Action Timeframe
Customer review & feedback on 8.2 Thursday 24 August to Wednesday 6 September (Feedback via i-lign’s Support Portal )
Preview of 8.2 available on request From Thursday 24 August
Meeting to talk through changes On request
Release date (subject to final testing) Sunday 10 September