July 25, 2022
Information on the group schedule tab.
This tab presents information on the group’s schedule. The schedule outlines how the group’s initiatives are being delivered. The schedule tab has two views: Timeline and Budget view.
Timeline view
Provides an overview of the group’s schedule. It includes information on percentage of work completed and the overall health of each of the initiatives (based on their latest status review). Select the Monthly button below the Schedule heading to view by month instead of quarter. To view key milestones and or key deliverables on the schedule, select the relevant box(es) on the top right hand side.

Budget view
Shows quarterly budget information for the group’s ‘live’ initiatives and concepts. If your organisation prioritises its projects and concepts, then their rank will also show.

Primary Filter

You can filter the timeline view of the schedule by clicking on the text next to the Timeline heading. There are options to filter the information based on class, initiative status and prioritisation. See below for more information.
Class refers to our classification of work and people into programmes, projects, services, activities, concepts, ideas, groups and teams. Only the relevant classes show on the filter.
Initiative status
Committed (Live & Planned): This includes status which your organisation has committed to delivering and are either live or planned. An example of a Committed Live status is In Progress. An example of a Committed Planned status is Not Started (Approved).
Committed (Inactive): This includes status which your organisation has committed to delivering and are inactive. An example of a Committed Inactive status is Completed.
Uncommitted: This includes status which your organisation has not yet committed to delivering. Examples of Uncommitted status are Cancelled (prior to start), Not Started (Unapproved) and Draft.
You also have the ability to filter by prioritisation. For example you can just include those projects which are prioritised. Note that to show on the schedule, projects would also need to have a status you have selected.