Strategic Alignment

Simplify business

  • Your plan is a ‘living document’ headed by a clear purpose.
  • Bring your purpose, strategies, KPIs and benefits together in our integrated toolkit.
  • Show your boards and C-suite members how you’re delivering against strategy, in real-time, through the all-of-business landscape.

Connect your people

  • Strategic on-line information is immediately available to boards, senior teams, stakeholders and staff.
  • All your people see how their work contributes to your organisational purpose.
  • Each business group can define their own ‘strategic and operational plan’ around their purpose.

Organisational transparency

  • Embed your strategy into day-to-day operations through explicit line-of-sight information
  • Show how all your people, including those at the frontline, contribute to strategy (based on a ‘from the edge’ approach)
  • Collate all initiatives (projects, activities, business services) against any/all strategic drivers, using our cross-cutting portfolios.

Key features

Organisational purpose | Strategic drivers | KPIs | Benefits | Cross-cutting portfolios | All-of-business landscape | Value/investment dashboards | ROI visualisations